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Are You Actively Pursuing Your Patients?

During a recent podcast interview, Will Guidara, renowned author of the national bestseller “Unreasonable Hospitality,” shared valuable insights on maintaining strong relationships, both in personal and business contexts. Will stressed the importance of continually pursuing one’s spouse or partner to keep the bond strong in your intimate relationships, a sentiment that also with dental practices and their patients.

In our personal lives, the concept of pursuing our romantic partner daily serves as a powerful reminder of the effort required to maintain a strong and loving relationship. Just as showing consistent affection, appreciation and care towards our significant other helps keep the bond thriving, the same principle applies to our relationships with dental patients.  Just as pursuing our loved ones nurtures love and trust, actively pursuing our patients fosters loyalty and a sense of belonging in our dental practice, ultimately leading to better patient experiences and lasting relationships.

In is common for dental practices to attract new patients with special offers and welcome packs, ensuring a positive initial experience. However, it is also important to sustain and nurture these patient relationships over the months and years ahead, rather than taking them for granted.

Here are some actionable ideas to enhance patient pursuit and strengthen the bond in your dental practice:

Incorporating these strategies into your dental practice operations can help you maintain strong patient relationships, ensuring that they never feel like mere numbers in your waiting room. Just as Will Guidara advises in “Unreasonable Hospitality,” pursuing your patients with dedication and care is a recipe for enduring success in both business and personal relationships.

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