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4 Steps Guaranteed To Start Your Day On A High (without drugs!)

Are you a ‘morning person’? Someone who wakes up enthusiastic for the coming day with energy to burn?

While some team members may be bright and cheerful from the crack of dawn, there are others who take time to warm up. 

The energy of your team at the start of the day will have a substantial impact on how the rest of the day is managed. 

There is a wonderful concept called ‘The First 4 Minutes’, and my co-founder of JPPS, Charles Kovess, has been teaching it for years: How you behave in the first 4 minutes of an interaction dictates feelings and behaviours for the next 4 hours!

So, make a decision to apply this in your life. 

Follow these 4 steps that we guarantee will raise the energy of your team and start every day on a HIGH! Even without drugs!


Arrive 15 minutes early and open your area up. Then, as your team members arrive, help them set up their areas. Lead though example and show everyone what good team work means to you. 


As team members arrive for work, look them in the eye, smile broadly and give them a big welcome. “Good Morning Jenny! How was your evening?” You then set the tone of the day by establishing a high level of energy in that crucial 4 minutes. 


Doing something small for everyone can help kick-start the team’s ‘generosity gene’ for the day. It is a great way of letting your team know that you are here to help them.


Start with an example of what you know to be great customer service. Others will observe this and rise to your energy. “Good Morning Steve! What a beautiful morning! Come and relax. They will be ready to take you through soon. Can I get you a coffee?”

Just like your team culture, if there is no intention or vision, your team’s energy will fall or rise to that of the strongest character. Indeed, it is what your team do every day that determines the culture of your practice. Starting every day on a high will impact not just their day, but your team’s long-term workplace experience with your practice.

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