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“Something needs to change!”



“Something needs to change!”

I have had this thought on several occasions during my time working in dental practices. It happens in my personal life too. It is your mind finally reaching its tipping point, saying “enough is enough!”

It may be an ineffective system or a team member’s lack of enthusiasm and attention. It can also be big, with the whole team falling in to consistently unhelpful habits and behaviours.

We tolerate the day-to-day issues, but the tipping point comes when we decide something must be done.

Affecting a shift in mindset in an individual or a group requires strong leadership. Someone who can rise above the old thinking and inspire people to aspire towards the greater good.

“Stop doing it that way!” is ineffective. You will achieve greater success if you follow this routine.


You may have the Vision clear in your mind, but to others it is merely an idea. Make it compelling enough to change their behaviour. Provide clarity around your Vision, and tell people the benefits they will enjoy when the Vision is realised.


To move forward you must leave the past behind. You have learned the lessons and you are aware of what you want to prevent from happening in the future. For your team to feel empowered and excited about moving forward, avoid reminding them of old wrongs. Don’t be an anchor, holding them back. Instead, direct everyone towards the bright future that is your Vision.


Lead by example. Change your behaviour and others will follow. The most effective way to achieve change in your team is to show them what is expected.


One of the reasons sustained change fails is a lack of accountability. Or, another way of stating this, is a lack of support. When someone defaults back to the old way, gently prompt them to adopt the new, preferred behaviour. You will gain greater results by empowering team members how to respond next time. For example, if you notice someone reacting in an unhelpful way, encourage them to consider how they could better manage the situation with the new Vision in mind. Should the situation occur again, this team member will be empowered with how to interrupt their pattern and react more positively. Accountability is ineffective when attention is on what went wrong. It is very effective when the preferred action becomes the focus.

The internal cry of “Something needs to change!” is not a bad space to be. I think of it as a powerful space to be, for without it, nothing ever changes.

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