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What ‘normal’ are you rushing back to?

I came across this thought-provoking post on social media.

‘In the rush to return to normal, use this time to consider which parts of normal are worth rushing back to.’ Dave Hollis – Over Grow The System

A few of the ‘normal’ parts of my life that I feel are worth rushing back to are hugging friends when I bump into them, the freedom to move about as I choose and taking for granted that I will have a steady stream of income to maintain my lifestyle.

The interruption to our routines that COVID-19 has generated is so profound that it has created an opportunity for dental practices to consider what parts of normal they think are worth rushing back to. And what parts of normal are not.

This is a chance for dental teams to hit the reset button. Decide what works well in their team and what does not.

This current situation is unique as it pushes aside the usual daily irritants. Many of us are recognising the deeper things that truly matter. Family and friends, freedom, health and an optimistic future. Also, having a job at a thriving practice with a team who value one another.

This is a powerful mindset for yourself and your team to have when making plans for your return to regular business once the current restrictions have been lifted.

I encourage you to use this opportunity to create a better ‘normal’ for your team. 


Get online with your team.

I suggest 5 x 1-hour Zoom meetings (see here for a video-explainer of Zoom meetings.)

Discuss as a group, and individually when necessary, what your ideal working environment is. 

What attitudes and behaviours are helpful, encouraging, supportive and contributes to the growth of team members and the practice? 

What attitudes and behaviours are unhelpful, destructive and erode team happiness and productivity?

Encourage all team members to participate and appoint a ‘scribe’ to take important notes. I would also encourage recording the meetings using Zoom, and then saving the recordings for later review.

Revise or craft your dynamic new Team Culture that will be guiding the team upon the return to work.

There are some useful resources on our JPPS site that can help you.

Go to the Free Downloads page and see the:

  • Team Member Satisfaction Survey
  • Team Culture Guide

Go to the Online Courses page and see the:

  • Online course ‘Building A Successful Team’ (CLICK HERE)
  • Online course ‘Transform Your Team Through A Powerful Team Culture’ (CLICK HERE)

Using the above helpful resources, an effective program would be:


In their own private time, have all team members (including the owners and managers) complete the Team Member Satisfaction Survey. Send the results to the manager of this project. The manager should be someone thoughtful who can assess, and later deliver, the feedback in a helpful and constructive manner.


Conduct a Zoom meeting with your team in attendance and play the online course ‘Building a Successful Team’ via ‘share screen’.


Conduct a Zoom meeting with your team. The manager of this project will share the feedback provided by the team on their Team Member Satisfaction Surveys. The author of various items can be kept anonymous if requested. During this meeting, you will develop a growing list of attitudes and behaviours to keep and a list to minimise/modify.


Conduct a Zoom meeting with your team in attendance and play the online course ‘Transform Your Team Through A Powerful Team Culture’ via ‘share screen’.


Conduct a Zoom meeting with your team and the free download Team Culture Guide, design your new and improved Team Culture.

If I can assist your practice in this project, please let me know. I would love to see practices coming back from this challenging time better than before!

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Socrates

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