I recently discovered this list of 6 qualities that make a charismatic leader, which was compiled by success.com. Over my many years of researching this topic of leadership, including reading countless autobiographies of great people in their field and/or lives (such as Rudy Giuliani, Elie Wiesel, Sidney Poitier, Nelson Mandela, Eleanor Roosevelt …), this list describes perfectly the kind of characteristics that make up a powerful leader.
When I purchased my own practice back in 2003, I eagerly took on the challenge of becoming the best leader I could. Embracing this goal assisted the process that was vital in achieving my intention; open mindedness and a discovery mindset. I constantly asked myself how I could refine my style and interactions with others to gain better results for all involved.
If you are a leader within your organisation I encourage you to read the following 6 qualities carefully, and reflect upon how you can make them a part of your personal style.
1. They earn respect. We develop great perceptions of those people we can count on to help us achieve what is important to us. People who work hard develop influence in the minds and hearts of their co-workers and superiors, and they are spoken about in the most positive way.
2. They have the halo effect. Leaders who develop high-performing companies or departments develop what is called the “halo effect.” They are perceived by others to be leaders who are capable of great things. Their shortcomings are often overlooked, while their strong points are emphasized. They become charismatic.
3. They accept themselves. Leaders develop charisma by working on themselves. They learn to like and accept themselves unconditionally. They do and say the specific things that develop within them a powerful, charismatic personality.
4. They are determined and purposeful. When leaders set clear goals and become determined and purposeful, backing those goals with unshakable self-confidence, they develop charisma. They are enthusiastic and excited about what they’re doing. They are totally committed to achieving something worthwhile. They radiate charisma.
5. They accept complete responsibility. When leaders take complete responsibility and accept ownership, without making excuses or blaming others, they have a sense of control that is the foundation of charisma. They have the kind of external image that others admire. They develop their character by setting high standards and then disciplining themselves to live consistently within the highest principles. They become the kind of person who is admired and respected everywhere. They become the kind of person who radiates charisma to others.
6. They focus on the results. Leaders who concentrate their energies on achieving the results that they were hired to accomplish, the results that others expect of them, develop the reputation for performance and achievement that inevitably leads to the perception of greater charisma.