Yes! I am delivering a week of, what I consider to be, GOLD!
I am always on the lookout for computer applications that I can use to make my work:
- more creative
- more efficient
- more productive, and
- more enjoyable.
I know that some of the apps I have discovered will make YOUR life better too. So, this week I will be detailing one helpful, GOLDEN app a day! It will be a golden week!

WhatsApp is a secure and free messaging application.
WhatsApp is a great way for your team to remain in communication, especially when you are part of a larger team and group communication is difficult.
Team members can download the WhatsApp app onto their smartphone then create a group just for your team.
Team members can share information such as:
- link to new dental material that is being used
- modification and introduction of new process
- birthday wishes or thoughts of support to each other
- request for agenda items for upcoming team meeting
- call out to fill in for a team member who requests a day off
- messages of acknowledgement and praise for a job well done
Content can be in the form of text, photos, documents, video, video-call, web links and voice messages.
Because everyone can see what is posted and also see each other’s response, everyone is on the same page without individual texts or emails being shared.
A couple of groovy hints:
- You can conduct group video-calls by adding additional members to an existing video-call
- You can install a desktop version of WhatsApp for easier use by copying the QR code. See here for guidance.
WhatsApp can become an important element of your team communication, so consider whether it will suit your practice. GO HERE for a beginners guide to its use.