Weekly strategies and insights to achieve greater dental practice success.
Only $199 per month
Delivering insights and strategies for…
- a happier team within your practice,
- more effective systems for your practice,
- more efficient systems for your practice,
- endless numbers of patients who are delighted with your extraordinary service,
- increased leadership skills and confidence so you make the right decisions day by day,
- deeper levels of engagement with your patients,
- an exciting increase in referrals of new patients from your delighted existing patients,
- new ways to attract new patients that are the ideal type of patients for your practice,
- improved treatment plan conversion,
- the continuing development of your team,
- high-level customer service and patient care,
- developing effective team communication,
- becoming the best dental practice you can be.

What Our Members Have to Say
Full Club and Basic Club Members have access to our full library of past presentations.
Scroll below or search for a topic that is currently relevant to your practice.
How to formulate scripts that convert patients to your new hygienist
This month of September is devoted to hygiene.
In this Lunch & Learn, I am joined by Ameena Basile of Dental Management Expertise.
Ameena and I discuss the best ways to develop scripts in your practice to convert your dental patients to your new hygienist.
Creating the environment for a happy, productive dental hygienist.
This month of September is devoted to hygiene.
In this Lunch & Learn, I interview experienced dental hygienist, Beck Cleeland.
Beck shares her thoughts and ideas on how a dental practice can create a great environment where the best hygienists are beating a path to your door!
Tips on establishing a hygienist with Ameena Basile of Dental Management Expertise
This month of September is devoted to hygiene.
In this Lunch & Learn, I am joined by my buddy and colleague, Ameena Basile.
Ameena is a Dental Practice Management Consultant and has had a load of experience implementing hygiene programs in dental practices.
Ameena shares her tips for successfully introducing a hygiene program into your dental practice.
Why you should consider a hygiene department
This month of September is devoted to hygiene.
Do you have a hygiene department in your practice?
Are you curious as to the benefits a hygiene department can have on your practice?
In this Lunch & Learn, I share a calculator I developed so you can see how a hygiene department can dramatically increase your practice turnover.
Creating a psychologically safe working environment.
A Google study of their employees revealed that the top influencing factor to encourage top performance from their teams was a psychologically safe working environment.
This Lunch & Learn guides you through the process of ensuring your practice is offering the optimal working environment for strong performance and team member happiness.
The 5 Languages of Appreciation for team motivation.
Studies show that 66% of employees consider quitting when they feel unappreciated.
In this Lunch & Learn, I step you through 5 ways you can show your appreciation to your team members and help keep them happy and motivated.
Maintaining your good relationships with patients while modifying their behaviour
When patients exhibit unhelpful behaviour, such as breaking their dental appointments or not paying their invoices, it is easy to fall into the trap of being stern with them. We often believe we need to discipline patients away from these acts. However, as I wrote in my recent blog post, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
In this week's Lunch & Learn, I share some insights and scripts on how to manage your patient's unhelpful behaviour and maintain your friendly, trusting relationship with them.
Surveying the RIGHT patients
Surveying your patients to ensure you are identifying what you do great, and areas that could be improved on is a winning idea. However, all feedback is not equal.
In this Lunch & Learn, I tell you which patients you should survey, which ones you shouldn't AND the quickest way to get that survey completed!
Supporting your progress
Zig Ziglar said, "People often say that motivation doesn't last - well, neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily."
In this Lunch & Learn, I share some tools that you can put in place that will support you and keep you motivated to achieve your long-term goals.
Creating the habits and processes for your goals achievement
As Marshall Goldsmith says in his book, "What got you here won't get you there".
In order to reach your goals, you must shift the behaviours that make up your daily routine to be the behaviours that will help you achieve your goals.
This Lunch & Learn provides the 'how to' to shift your unhelpful habits into empowered habits that drive your success.
Overcoming what stops us
If you have found it challenging in the past to achieve the goals you have set for yourself, this Lunch & Learn is for you!
In this Lunch & Learn, we discuss ten things that stop us from achieving the success we desire.
A few areas are limiting beliefs, fear of failure and fear of success - and we give you solutions for each one of these dynamics so you can start tackling your goals with newfound energy!
Setting the right goals
Setting the right goal in the right way increases your chances of successful goals-achievement.
In this Lunch & Learn, we discuss how to actually set your goals in the right way. You also get some powerful resources that help you make your goal your main priority and focus every day.
Using My Awesome Diary
A receptionist's ability to complete necessary tasks and manage their time effectively can be helped enormously by the tools they have at their fingertips.
My Awesome Diary has been designed by me, after years and years on the front desk. I designed it for all the busy receptionists out there to help them get all their bits done.
In this Lunch & Learn, I show you my tips for using My Awesome Diary so receptionists can deliver their awesomeness every day.
Shifting from REGRET to GRATITUDE
We've all had those situations when we have regretted the outcome of an interaction.
We know we could have been better, but we weren't.
In this Lunch and Learn, I share a framework that can help grow from these experiences and move on from those feelings of regret.
Team training when there is no time!
In this Lunch & Learn, I provide a solution for dental practices that want to provide team training and development, but simply do not have time.
Recalling your patients after COVID Restrictions
In this Lunch & Learn, I share some thoughts and ideas on recalling your patients after C0VID restrictions have impacted your management of their care.
How a YouTube Channel can work wonders for your practice.
In this week's Lunch & Learn, I explore the benefits for your patients - and your team - of creating your own Practice YouTube Channel.
Hints for effective use of Google Calendar
If you are looking for more ways to make your Google Calendar even more awesome and useful, this Lunch & Learn is for you!
I share hints and advice to help you be efficient and productive!
Your Practice Values
The values from which your practice operate will be either core, intentional values or accidental ones.
Values are important as they drive employee behaviour, impact the patient experience and influence your recruitment decisions.
Getting your practice values right is an important element of achieving dental practice success.
In this Lunch & Learn, you will discover how values drive behaviour, how to make your values alive in your practice and I share the four core values that I believe are crucial for any dental practice.
CANI: Constant And Never-ending Improvement
Imagine what your practice would be capable of if your team were comfortable - in fact, eager - for feedback.
Imagine the improvement to customer service, communication and teamwork that would be possible.
I can tell you that a group of people are capable of shifting their mindset around feedback to one that produces anxiety be one of empowerment and growth.
The concept of CANI, Constant And Never-ending Improvement, is one that I believe is crucial to achieving greater and greater success both as an individual and as a business.
However, there are four steps that you need to take to effectively move into CANI. And I share these four steps in this Lunch & Learn.
How to become GREAT at quoting fees to your patients!
Quoting fees can trigger discomfort in many dentists and Treatment Co-ordinators.
Avoiding the issue or accepting 'that's just how things are' means you will always be apprehensive when the money topic comes up. Your treatment acceptance rate will also suffer.
In this Lunch & Learn, I share some strategies that can help you become GREAT at quoting fees to your patients!
Excel for tracking KPIs
You can only manage what you track. And tracking your Key Performance Indicators is made easy with Excel. This Doing Session provides you with some basic knowledge of Excel and also provides the JPPS pre-formatted worksheet so you can start tracking your practice KPIs straight away.
Team Culture
Every dental practice has an established 'team culture'.
It may have been a carefully considered philosophy that supports your team, patient and business thrive your team culture may be what has evolved over time...good or bad.
The absence of a positive workplace culture results in low staff morale, high stress, lack of staff loyalty, increased sick days, scapegoating, and poor leadership.
Getting the culture right in your practice will result in happier, more engaged team members who deliver great performances.
Performance Reviews
Performance Reviews can be a source of anxiety for both the employee and the manager delivering the review.
The process described in this Lunch & Learn can help you design a Performance Review process that the team actually looks forward to and is a source of inspiration for everyone to develop their skills.
New employee onboarding process
Hiring the right person is just the first step in building your team.
An important element that often goes without proper planning is effectively onboarding your new employee.
This Lunch & Learn gives you our Onboarding Process so you give your new employee every chance of becoming a successful performer.
Hiring the right people
Finding, hiring, and keeping great employees is one of the most challenging aspects of dental practice management. The consequences of selecting the wrong candidate can be damaging. However, if you adopt a well-designed system when recruiting, your practice has a far greater chance of hiring the right person and then you reap the benefits.
There are several applications that can transform your Practice Manual from a beaten up folder that is rarely referred to a Digital Practice Manual that can be viewed anywhere there is internet, attach files, images and videos and have a quick search function to find what you need quickly. We suggest Evernote, and this Doing Session teaches you how to create your own Digital Practice Manual.
Employee Dentist Remuneration
More and more practices are hiring dentists under an 'employee' arrangement. And the benefits to your practice prove it to be the best way forward. This Lunch & Learn guides you through the calculations of base rates and percentages and also incremental increases as your new grad improves their skills.
Tips for an efficient dental receptionist
Dental Receptionists, like all roles within the practice, have many responsibilities and tasks. To manage reception efficiently is a skill, a talent...an art. In this presentation, Julie shares her tips and processes to help dental receptionists master the role.
Open-Book Management
Open-Book Management can be a scary concept. However, when implemented effectively, open-book management can be a powerful method of team-engagement and practice growth.
Overcoming COVID Barriers to a Welcoming Patient Experience
The masks, perspex screens, temperature testing and sanitising can be detracting from your usual warm welcome of patients. Tune in to discover how you can overcome these barriers to a welcoming patient experience.
The JPPS Staff Remuneration Matrix
We have finessed the JPPS Staff Remuneration Matrix so you can use it in your practice to establish a smart system around how you pay your staff and offer them pay rises when they deliver a top performance. The Matrix will help you develop a fair method of staff remuneration that you can share with everyone. Once your team members know what considerations impact decisions around their hourly rate, they will have the clarity and motivation to deliver a performance that truly builds your practice success. This Matrix will be made available to you to download and edit so it can become an integral part of your staff remuneration.
Managing Bad Employee Behaviour
What do you do when one of your employees starts displaying toxic behaviour? It might be a bad attitude, gossiping, rudeness to colleagues and patients or failing to manage the basic responsibilities of being an effective team member. We all know this bad behaviour can have a destructive impact on your team...and your practice. At this Lunch & Learn, I take you through a process that will help you manage this problem and put a stop to the endless time you spend worrying and dealing with it.
The JPPS 10 X 5 Strategy: how to make a 10% performance improvement generate 30% profit improvement!
There are two fundamental ways for businesses to increase profits. Reduce costs or increase sales. Reducing costs can be implemented quickly so will have an immediate effect. However, there will be a limit to how much cost-cutting you can perform before it starts to have a negative impact on the service you provide to your patients. Increasing sales is a better approach, as this activates reliable and consistent growth of your business.
Conducting effective role-play in your team-development sessions for amazing results!
We learn by reading and we learn by listening and watching...but there is nothing quite as impactful as learning by PRACTISING and DOING! Role-playing plays a crucial part in team development. Join me on this presentation and discover the JPPS process for successful and powerful role-playing for your teams' Constant And Never-ending Improvement journey.
How to powerfully welcome your patients!
Whether you are new to the role of receptionist or you are already a superstar, understanding the impact of a powerful welcome to your practice is a key step to building patient trust and loyalty.
Getting your team on board with achieving practice goals
This is our final step in identifying and achieving your dental practice goals for 2021.
Discover how to get your team on board and motivated to achieve your practice goals.
Monitor your performance throughout the year and make sure you are on track
You can't manage what you can't monitor. Here are some systems that will help you stay on track to achieve your goals.
Establishing a plan to achieve your goals
Identifying your goals or the year is just step 1. Putting an effective plan in place to achieve those goals will help ensure your success.
Here is the only system you need to plan for your success!
Identifying your practice goals
Wondering where to start with your goal-setting? Joinus to identify which goals are going to be relevent for your practice for the year 2021.
'How to use the 7 Strategies for Passionate Performance to create an inspiring 2021'.
Discover Charles' strategies to help you work and live with energy, happiness and passion.
Staff Remuneration
How much should you offer a new-hire?
How much should regular pay increases be?
Join us and discover the key factors that you need to consider when determining staff remuneration.
Patients who leave with your treatment plan for a cheaper alternative
It can be discouraging seeing patients transfer their treatment to another practitioner. Let's have a look at why they do this and how you can receive the benefits on offer.
Managing a team member with mental illness
Managing the performance of a team member who is moving through mental illness can be challenging. There is a plan that you might just need to help you and the team ember stay on track.
The enormous value of team training - and how to get PASSIONATE about it!
Team training is who your practice gets better and better. So why is it often neglected? Learn how to make team training easy to implement, and how get your team excited about it!
Patient Reactivation
Where have your patients gone?
Join us to learn how to find out who has left, why, and how to get them to return.
MySmileSimcan be a powerful marketing tool for your practice.
This Doing Session provides the step-by-step process that will help you implement MySmileSim successfully into your practice.
How to increase the value of your patient-base
Increasing the value of your patients to your practice WILL reap great rewards. Find out how.
The power of self-confidence can never be understated.
Discover how to develop it in others and how to build your own self-confidence so you can reach your full potential.
Your practice PURPOSE
Working towards a purpose bigger than ourselves taps into one our three main drivers. Find out how to create your practice purpose and help create and maintain team motivation.
Effective Scheduling
How to create a schedule that is efficient, productive and stress-free for a more enjoyable day.
Difficult Patients
In this session, I share my ideas on managing difficult patients and how to eject them from your practice when they become unmanageable!
Onboarding new staff successfully
A new team member is more likely to be a high-performer if they are taken through an effective onboarding process.
The JPPS Onboarding Process will give your new employee every chance of meeting - if not surpassing - all your expectations.
The Four Growth Stoppers
How to create a schedule that is efficient, productive and stress-free for a more enjoyable day.
Delivering dentist & team feedback.
Discounting your dentitstry-the broader impacts
One of the two topics in this session describes an effective process to use when delivering feedback to a team member.
The second topic will highlight the broader impact when you discount your dental fees.
Developing your CHARM
The way you carry yourself has a substantial impact on how you are perceived and how effectively you communicate.
Being aware of your stance, gait, what your hands do when idle, gestures, voice tone,.....phew! There is so much you can affect to build authority, confidence and likability!
Online reviews & Testimonials
Online Consultations
This double-topic presentation discusses the impact of online reviews and how you can encourage more patients to leave raving testimonials. We also have a look at how online consultations can add another high-value dimension to your patient engagement and communication.
Micro-Management &
Remote Working Schedule
Micro-management can be dressed up as 'perfectionism' or 'attention to detail'. Regardless, it is one of the most damaging styles of management and should be avoided. Here's how you can transform your way and get better results from your team.
This presentation also gives you an effective remote working schedule to keep your team active and engaged during COVID.
Take a look at this great application that can be used as one of your primary methods of marketing and practice growth.
Level 3 Operations, Team Trello Board
COVID operations and functioning through partial-closure.
Woker Permit Forms
COVID Safe Plan
Links and information for your workers and providing them with permits for travel to and from work. Also, get your COVID Safe Plan in operation with this guide.
COVID update & Creating your Practice Manual
Use this effective and easy-to-use process for creating your Practice Manual. This is one method that will actually see your manual being used!
Team Training Plan
Building Rapport with Your Patients
Use this fool-proof plan to incorporate team training into your practice. We also look at what rapport is and how it improves how you engage your patients.
COVID: Operating under Level 2
COVID operations now has many operating under Level 2 restrictions. Here is what that means to your practice.
Converting New Callers into Appointments
Converting new callers into actual appointments in your schedule requires more consideration than you would think. Use our process to make sure if they don't book in today, then they'll certainly call you back in the future! Also included is a handy letter that you can use for those pesky patients who continue to break their appointments.
Managing Broken Appointments
Failed appointments, patients running late and late cancellations can cost your practice thousands of dollars every year. A different approach can make all the difference.
Establishing a Hygiene Program,
Tracking KPIs
Implementing a hygiene program in your practice can be a challenging process. Here are some ideas and strategies to give your team every chance of success. We also discuss the relevance of tracking Key Performance Indicators and give you a great system to manage them.
Creating videos for your patients,
Following up patients incomplete treatment
Help your patients understand what you are doing to keep them safe during COVID with engaging videos. Also, an effective process for supporting your patient in scheduling for their incomplete treatment.
Confident Communication with Patients to Achieve Great Outcomes
Apprehension about the patient response, fear of rejection and inability to effectively manage patient objections are common issues for the dental team. Developing confident communication skills with patients goes far deeper than simply using the right words. Understanding the crucial role your subconscious mind plays, and changing unhelpful thoughts and beliefs, is your key to becoming a relaxed, confident communicator who easily facilitates patients to make their ideal treatment decisions.
Patient-advocate role,
If you are seeking to increase your case acceptance rate, introducing the patient-advocate role will help you achieve your goal. We also discuss in this presentation absenteeism and how to effectively manage it in your practice.
Patient engagement in their treatment
Engaging patients in their treatment and oral health is an art. It does not come naturally. Discover some helpful tips and strategies that will support your patient in making better decisions about their oral care.
Team Conflict
Even great teams can go through times of conflict and team dysfunction. Here are some helpful insights and methods of managing conflict and avoiding it occurring again in the future.
ViewMedica is a powerful tool in patient education. It also helps you create impactful and engaging videos to promote your practice and services.
Building great dental teams that create wonderful business results!
Most teams in business are pretty average performers and very few achieve their full potential. Why is this so? Identifying the major blockages is a core factor in ongoing and maintainable success.
Concept "What can I do for you?"
"What can I do for you?"
Discover why I think this one question can become your customer service policy, teamwork culture and leadership policy.
Team Communication
Creating opportunities for team communication and designing an effective style of interacting creates the culture your team then operate with. And it's crucial to team harmony and practice success.
Google Calendar for greater reception efficiency,
Elements to great teamwork
Using available apps at the front desk can improve efficiency and productivity. Google (and other online calendars) do just this. This is how we recommend you use it. Also, discover these important elements to a harmonious and dynamic team.
Recall Strategy,
Certificates for Children
Here are some considerations that will generate stringer results from your recalling process. Also, anything to make your patients feel positive and happy about attending is a winning strategy. Consider implementing these first visit certificate to your child-patients on their initial visit.
Marketing Ideas,
Improving your social media presence
If you are struggling to come up with new ways to market and promote your practice, check out these great ideas. We also talk about ways to improve your social media presence.
The Morning Huddle,
YouTube for your practice
There is good reason why so many dental consultants are advocates for the Morning Huddle. Here is our system to help your days be more efficient, productive and happy.
Also, let us share with you how your own practice YouTube channel can be useful for your team and your patients.
Goals Achievement template,
Asking for Google Reviews
Here are some considerations that will generate stringer results from your recalling process. Also, anything to make your patients feel positive and happy about attending is a winning strategy. Consider implementing these first visit certificate to your child-patients on their initial visit.
Being excited and passionate about our new 'normal'.
COVID has many people reeling. Charles Kovess shares his insights on working with passion during tough times.
Dental Practice Assessment
After discussions around operating under Level 1 restrictions, we give you the chance to get your dental practice assessed by us for free!
From Health Practice Digital, Andrew Le
Marketing is normally best when delegated to the professionals. Listen to Andrew Le of Health Practice Digital for ideas on how he can help your practice promotion.
Level 2 Restart Pack,
Team Culture
It's time to get back to normal operations! Here is your Level 2 Restart-Pack. Also, getting your Team Culture right takes a plan. Follow our directions to create the structure that will help your team be happy, efficient and productive.
Practicing through COVID
After discussions around operating under Level 1 restrictions, we give you the chance to get your dental practice assessed by us for free!
The Club Orientation, Practice Regeneration Trello Board
Welcome to The Club!
We look forward to being a support to your and your team through this tough time.
Weekly Live Sessions
Full access to library of previous Live Session recordings
Inclusion to The Club Private Facebook Group
Weekly Live Sessions
Full access to library of previous Live Session recordings
Inclusion to The Club Private Facebook Group
Enrolment in all JPPS Online Mini-Courses
Monthly Private Online Session with Julie Parker
Monthly Private Online Session with Charles Kovess